Jucausii.Net - Just play it!
[RECLAMATIE] Unicorn /trickhack - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: [RECLAMATIE] Unicorn /trickhack (/thread-19080.html)

[RECLAMATIE] Unicorn /trickhack - Fresh - 10-04-2018

Your nickname: FreSH
Admin's nickname: Unicorn /trickhack
Reason for complaint: He Banned Me For No Wg (Wargoods Virus) 
https://imgur.com/a/3C0w8 - Banned ( 2 Hours)

Wargood VIRUS -

Other preferences   : I sayed Him Wargood is virus and i dont download virus on my computer and he banned me for no wg. Just tell me why to infect my Pc with viruses?

RE: [RECLAMATIE] Unicorn /trickhack - Mihai.XD - 12-04-2018

Next time, if you use windows 10 pro, disable your antivirus, and re-download the program.

P.S: WarGods is not a virus, is a scanner, that scans you cs for hacks, e.t.c...